Tuesday, 9 August 2011

I love finishing a quilt and eating cakes:-)

Hand stitching the binding - urrgghhh, the one bit of quiltmaking I don't enjoy. But it's necessary and it means the quilt is finished, so I can move on to the next thing...... Too many ideas, too little spare time!
Anyway, here is the finished quilt:
Oooh, the edges are not this wavy in reality, so must be because the quilt was laying on the uneven grass.

Himself & I went over to Chic Girl and Whizz kids house, because they wanted a bit of help to make a cupboard over their stairs.  This is Himself putting in the wooden framework in their bedroom:
Whizz Kid got a bit covered in brick dust:
 So while the boys knocked a hole in thebedroom wall upstairs, Chic girl wisely stayed out of the way downstairs and iced some fairy cakes......

Just adding a few sprinkles.....  
Would you like one?


  1. yes please!!
    By the way, hand sewing the binding is my favourite bit!

  2. Gill, Your favourite bit?!?!?!?!?!?! Shakes head in disbelief. Clearly, I really need to work out a deal with you.......... K x

  3. Handsewing the binding is very therapeutic and signifies the quilt is finished :-)
    That's why I liek it too (plus I LOVE hand sewing!)
    Your quilt looks awesome and Chic Girl looks radiant!

  4. Hi! Greetings from Finland! I love the quilts you have done! Your colours are fantastic, so fresh. Thank's for the Blog. I have to come again!
